huesiasticsTimeless of you — Cerita Karakter 1 dan Karakter 4, Belum ada judul dan nama #09It’s those little moments that stick with you, the way a smile can brighten up even the darkest of days. I often find myself closing my…Sep 28, 2023Sep 28, 2023
huesiasticsCerita Karakter 1 dan Karakter 2 — belum ada judul dan nama #01there was a time when I really wanted to love her the same way she loved me. I wanted it to be effortless, pure, just like the way she…Sep 28, 2023Sep 28, 2023
huesiasticsCerita Karakter 1 dan Karakter 4, Belum ada judul dan nama #09The sad part is, now I have changed, and I’m so much better than I used to be. It’s crazy how life teaches you stuff through messing up…Sep 28, 2023Sep 28, 2023
huesiasticsCerita Karakter 1 dan Karakter 4, Belum ada judul dan nama #07Her Family :Sep 27, 2023Sep 27, 2023
huesiasticsCerita Karakter 1 dan Karakter 4, Belum ada judul dan nama #06Kalo lagi tiba-tiba bengong, suka mikir apa yang terjadi if I never left her, if we never split up..Sep 25, 2023Sep 25, 2023
huesiasticsCerita Karakter 1 dan Karakter 4, Belum ada judul dan nama #05ya walaupun selama ini yg kita rasain jauh lebih bahagia daripada pas dulu kita masih dalam hubungan, ya tetep aja ada hal yg ngeganjel dan…Sep 25, 2023Sep 25, 2023